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Mental Health of Ethnic Minorities Conference 2023

The Zubin Foundation, along with the Department of Psychiatry at

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) organised Hong Kong's first conference on "Mental Health of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong" on the 28th of March, 2023. 

The conference :

  • Launched findings from Randomised Controlled Trial research from The Department of Psychiatry of HKU on the effectiveness of counselling on mood symptoms of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

  • Examined the mental health needs of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

  • Learned approaches towards Ethnic Minority mental health from Professor Dinesh Bhugra, an internationally renowned expert on cultural diversity and mental health

Other events organised around Professor Bhugra’s visit:

  • Cross Cultural Competency Training for medical and mental health professionals, and other frontline workers on how to better support ethnic minority communities.

  • Interviews with Professor Dinesh Bhugra on The Importance of Cultures in Mental Health Service Provision

Mental Health of Ethnic Minorities Conference

1. Opening Remarks: 

by Mr. Wong Yan-Lung,

Advisory Committee on Mental Health

2. Setting the Context: 

by Ms. Shalini Mahtani,

The Zubin Foundation

3. Mental Health Outcomes and Culture - A Global Perspective: 

by Professor Dinesh Bhugra,

King's College London

4. Launch of Research Findings: The Effectiveness of Counselling on Mood Symptoms of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

by Professor Eric Chen and Dr. Yi-Nam Suen, The University of Hong Kong 

5. Panel Discussion: How Different Parties May Work Together?

Moderated- by Dr. Paul Wong, The University of Hong Kong 

Cross Cultural Competency Training for Mental Health Professionals

1. Cross Cultural Competency Training

by Professor Dinesh Bhugra, King’s College London

2. Supporting Mental Health of EM Communities in Hong Kong

by Shilpa Patwardhan, The Zubin Foundation

Interviews with Professor Dinesh Bhugra on the Importance of Cultures in

Mental Health Service Provision

1. Importance of Culture in Mental Health

by Professor Dinesh Bhugra,

King’s College London

2. Practical Tips on Cultural Sensitivity

by Professor Dinesh Bhugra,

King's College London

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