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This platform seeks to provide useful resources for mental health professionals and other frontline workers on understanding and supporting mental health of the ethnic minorities.

Mental Health of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong Findings Report  by The Zubin Foundation

(March 2023)


The Ethnic Minority Well-being Centre accepted 213 ethnic minority individuals between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2022, offering them with free counselling service. The findings report highlighted the common issues that trigger the mental health concerns of these individuals and the learnings from The Zubin Foundation.

Infographics and Full Report

EMWBC Client profile

Infographic - English Version

EMWBC Client profile 2

Infographic - Chinese Version

Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong report (English Version)

Full Report - English Version

Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong report (Chinese Version)

Full Report - Chinese Version

Report on The Effectiveness of Counselling on Mood Symptoms of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong By The University of Hong Kong

(March 2023)

Findings summary by The Department of Psychiatry of The University of Hong Kong on a randomised controlled trial study measuring the effectiveness of counselling on mood symptoms of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong.

Findings Summary

Screenshot (76)

Findings Summary - English 

Case Study Series – Supporting Mental Health of Ethnic Minorities

A series of case studies with examples of common issues faced by clients in Ethnic Minority Well-being Centre. These case studies were developed by The Zubin Foundation counsellors based on their first-hand experience. They also provide practical tips for professionals on how to support individuals in those situations.

1. Stress of Managing Big Family

Sameera is married with 6 children. She feels exhausted taking care of her kids by herself as her husband is not supportive. She feels sad, alone and helpless. She has had sleepless nights and lost weight. She visits the General Out-Patient Clinic (GOPC) at the public hospital every other week to get help with her headache but does not feel any better. 

Please click here to read the full case study

2. Family Conflicts and Forced Marriage

Sara is a 20 year old Pakistani girl, born and raised in Hong Kong. Her father informed her that she has to leave university to move to Pakistan and  marry her cousin. Sara is not happy by this decision as she wants to continue her studies and her husband does not speak much English. She feels low, cannot sleep, has a loss of appetite and significant weight loss. She cuts her wrists and feels that no one can help her. Sara has been referred to a clinical psychologist.

Please click here to read  the full case study

3. Marital Conflict and Domestic Violence

Sarika is from India and lives with her husband and 2 sons. Her relationship with her husband is strained after his extramarital affair. He is also short-tempered and has physically attacked her. Her in-laws don't speak to her as Sarika and her husband had a 'love marriage'. She often has crying spells and feels trapped. She has sleepless nights, weight loss and panic attacks. Sarika was referred to a

Social Worker. 

Please click here to read the full case study

4. Traditional Parents versus Contemporary Children

Samaira has 3 children and her husband has been deported to Pakistan due to visa issues. She is raising her children on her own while going to work. Samaira feels her 13 year old daughter is extremely defiant in her dressing style and not taking household responsibilities. Samaira feels stressed, feels that life is meaningless and wishes to give up on life. She feels helpless that she can't meet everyone's demands. 

Please click here to read the full case study

5. Trauma Abuse and Mental health

Aima is a 20 year old Bangladeshi girl born and raised in Hong Kong. Her mother has been abused by her father for the last 14 years. Aima would often be punished by her mother for her father's abusive actions. She feels angry, frustrated and helpless, as if her mother uses her as a punching bag. She is unable to focus on her studies and has self-harmed by cutting herself. She has been assigned a Social Worker who takes her to a clinical psychologist. 

Please click here to read the full case study

6. Supporting Low Literacy Clients

Aafseen is a 45 year old Pakistani woman with 4 children. She moved to Hong Kong 20 years ago with her husband. Her husband is a violent person, often physically abusing Aafseen. Her husband got stuck in Pakistan due to travel restrictions during COVID and she had to manage everything by herself. She is a very anxious person and was stressed and overwhelmed by all the responsibilities involving her household and children. 

Please click here to read the full case study

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